Generalized Anxiety Disorder

GAD is a debilitating form of anxiety whereby the sufferer experiences a pervasive feeling of anxiety, particularly worry, nearly all the time.  People with GAD report feeling “keyed up,” “on edge” or feel chronically unable to relax.  Beyond the normal day to day worries a person may experience, someone with GAD may talk about worries “controlling” their life and interfering with day to day functioning. Sometimes sufferers feel powerless to do anything about their worrying thoughts.

Accompanying physical symptoms may include:

  • Stomach aches
  • Headaches
  • Heart palpitations
  • Muscle tension
  • Insomnia

If you are tired of GAD dominating your daily life, I would be pleased to work with you to develop a therapeutic plan to turn things around. Call or email me to get started.

Coping with Anxiety: One Size Does Not Fit All!

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Canadian Mental Health Association

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Anxiety Canada

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Here to Help

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