Addictions . . . A minefield of information, advice and opinions. If you’re suffering, you want help quickly and it can be difficult to wade through reams of information to get the help you need. The following is a brief overview of what Willow Tree Counselling has to offer.
I welcome clients with varying addictions issues to my downtown Vancouver counselling and psychotherapy office including those struggling with:
I see individuals and some couples affected by one or more of the above issues. I also provide counselling for family members and friends who are affected by someone else’s use.
I start where you are. Whether you want to cut back or are seeking total abstinence, I will support you. Together we will come up with a plan detailing your goals and ways of getting there and discuss reintegrating meaning in your life. Addictions can crowd out everything else that was once important to you; counselling can help you reclaim things you have lost or identify and pursue new avenues. We will also pursue practical strategies for maintaining your gains and things to do to get “back on the horse” when you slip.
Acceptance, kindness and collaboration are key features in my counselling style. I will never add judgement to the mix; chances are, you do enough of this already and it’s sabotaging your efforts to get better. I am consistently positive and hopeful with my clients and, if I have earned your therapeutic trust, I will challenge you and expect you to ultimately fulfil your potential, whatever the bumps along the way.
I don’t try to do it all. While the obvious point is made that you are the key factor in your success, I will also refer you to other helpers should you need or request additional assessment and treatment. This could include referrals to physicians, residential treatment facilities, support groups, detox, acupuncture or naturopathic medicine.
If you’re calling me, you may be at the end of your rope. You care deeply about your loved one with an addictions issue but you don’t know how to preserve yourself in the process. Maybe you’re so worried and panicked about their use and their safety that you can’t concentrate on daily living. Through counselling, you can learn strategies for self-care and tools to communicate with the relative you’re concerned about. Some family members struggle especially when their loved one won’t get help. Counselling can be a good first step.
I welcome individuals and concerned family members to call or email me directly for more information about my counselling approach and to discover whether I am the therapist who is right for you. Change is all around us; I have complete faith that my clients can realize it as well.
When cutting corners leads to nervous system consequences.
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by Christien Storm (2018)
There is a lot of information available on boundaries but out of everything I’ve read, this is my top pick. The author is particularly notable for their discussion on the nuanced nature of boundaries–honouring the fact that setting boundaries is inherently difficult but that it is not necessarily a rigid, inflexible process. Practical, inclusive and trauma-informed, guiding strategies are offered.
by Melody Beattie (2022, revised)
A classic in the field; introduced the concept of co-dependency to the world and how to break free of it. I’ve stopped counting which edition it’s in.
by Alan Garner and Janet Woititz (1990)
This vintage book has survived the test of time and was the first book ever recommended to me by my first therapist. A slim volume chock-full of practical suggestions for adult children of alcoholics.
An initiative of Moms Stop the Harm, this is a peer-led bereavement support group for those who have lost a loved one due to overdose or substance-related harms.
A wealth of free online mental-health related courses, developed in conjunction with people who have lived experience.
Online non-profit initiative from Queen’s University to help the public learn non-drug treatments for insomnia, primarily Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-I).
List of private master’s-level counsellors, or their interns, offering subsidized counselling. Updated quarterly.
Call 8-1-1 to speak with a registered nurse 24/7. Other professionals available through this line include after-hours pharmacists, exercise professionals and dieticians
Substance use assessment, counselling and treatment planning for individuals, couples and families. Group counselling also available. Free.
Web-based learning of DBT skills. Particularly useful for those without access to individualized programming, or to supplement an existing group DBT program.
Resource list, updated quarterly.
Problem gambling support and treatment services provided free of charge for BC residents.
App developed by the folks at Anxiety Canada to help manage anxiety symptoms and promote relaxation.
A resource list of lower-cost professional counselling options in Vancouver. Corrections and suggestions welcome.
Online self-help program for depression and anxiety, using cognitive behavioural principles (CBT).
From the people at Simon Fraser University’s Centre for Applied Research in Mental Health and Addiction (CARMHA). Scroll down for link.
24-7 telephone counselling and online support for quitting smoking and vaping.
604-675-3700 – Joseph and Rosalie Segal Centre, Vancouver Hospital, Level 1, East Entrance
7 days a week: 7:30am-11pm. Phone, walk-in and outreach support for urgent, non life-threatening mental health and addictions issues. Response times vary. Serves residents of Vancouver.
BC-based website offering comprehensive information on a wealth of mental health conditions and addictions concerns.
24-7 crisis service for anyone that is suicidal, thinking about suicide or for concerned friends/family. BC-wide service.
Time-limited counselling support for adults who have made a suicide attempt, or are experiencing suicidal thoughts; also offers support and education for people who are concerned about a loved one with suicidal ideation, or are grieving their loss by suicide.