Starting counselling, for many of us, is a freaky enough proposition: why add to the stress by keeping the counselling process secret? Writing about counselling and its myriad facets is at the heart of my articles, fuelled by a drive to make information about counselling transparent and accessible. I write about other things psychology-related too, to mix things up.
Some musings on awkwardness and its potential value for self-growth.
The ritual of tea enters the counselling space.
There are a number of reasons for why running late for a therapy session could be more complex than in seems on the surface.
When cutting corners leads to nervous system consequences.
Considering group support? Read on!
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Digging deep on the topic and practice of change.
Can slowness ease anxiety? This counsellor thinks so.
Exploring the common phenomenon of feeling stuck, with some strategies to encourage taking the next step.
There’s no rule that says that you can’t contact a therapist in between sessions. But it’s not always clear about whether or not this is the best course of action.
The many aspects of crying (or not) in therapy.
A closer look at some of the reasons why the holiday season might not work for you.
When engaging in counselling is, or feels forced, it’s rarely a good thing.
Reasons for counsellor absences with some possible benefits for clients too.
Navigating the sometimes-difficult choice of talking about a loved one in counselling.
Tips and tricks for securing a counselling appointment when times are tough.
A counsellor takes a stab at understanding her own experience with overwhelm, including her part in it.
A counsellor’s attempt to take the mystery out of what happens after you reach out to a therapist. Possible solutions to common problems are provided too.
An in-depth look at how to contact a counsellor and book a counselling session.
When we don’t know what to talk about in a counselling session: reasons and solutions.
What do you do when you spot your counsellor in public? The answer has more to do with your counsellor’s response, than yours.
Exploring the merits of connecting with emotional discomfort.
My reflections on coping with COVID-19 self-confinement.
If healthy interpersonal boundaries were easy, we’d all be doing it! But it’s a reward that’s worth it.
Reflecting on “goals,” Willow Tree Counselling-style.
A deep dive into why counselling waiting lists exist and how to navigate them.
The pluses and perils of seeing more than one counsellor at a time.
Understanding the seemingly paradoxical, yet common, dilemma of being too upset to go to counselling.
Most of us feel like imposters at some point in our lives. But it doesn’t have to stay that way.
A baking episode-gone-bad prompts me to take out the slop both literally and emotionally.
Enter (and be comfortable) in the Willow Tree Counselling world.
Figuring out what ‘type’ of counsellor or counselling you need is often not as straightforward as it would initially seem.
A checklist to help you navigate the adventure of finding a counsellor.
Getting personal about a breadmaking day gone bad (and what I did about it).
For those who are intrigued, and want to consider alternative options to avoidance, there may be something in this article for you.
Once we have sifted through known coping strategies, there is also the need to be specific.
An article about health anxiety and its relationship to the Internet.
A rundown on one of my favourite therapies.
Panic attacks are terrifying in their intensity! But the good news is is that they can be helped!
When we are in the throws of anxiety, we want immediate relief. How can there be a silver lining in all of this?