Showing 61 results

Facing the Fear of Judgement in Counselling

May 2013 In Therapy & You

When You’re Late For Your Therapy Appointment

July 2024 In Anxiety, Therapy & You, Trauma

You Can’t Cheat The System

The Higgledy-Piggledy Therapy Schedule

October 2023 In Therapy & You

Go Slow

Multitasking In Counselling Sessions

What is a Vacation Anyways?

Stuck in a Rut? Understanding Stuck-ness And Strategies For Change

Ho, Ho, No! When the Holiday Season Doesn’t Work For You

The Hard of Hearing Therapist

When Loved Ones Are a Focus in Counselling

Decisions, Decisions: When You Don’t Know What To Talk About In Counselling

January 2021 In Anxiety, Therapy & You

Sourdough or Sour-no? Coping and Critiquing During The Pandemic

November 2020 In Personal Growth

Why Do Therapists Become Therapists?

Virtual Is Reality: The Changing Counselling Office

August 2020 In Therapy & You

My Screen Time Is Up By 246%

The Delusion of Productivity

Session-Talk or Session, Talk?

February 2020 In Therapy & You

“I’m Too Upset To Go To Counselling!”

I Wanna Fire My Therapist!

June 2019 In Therapy & You

When Your First Counselling Appointment Doesn’t Work Out

May 2019 In Therapy & You

Taking Out The Slop

March 2019 In Anxiety, Personal Growth

Perfectionism: From Fairy Tale to Real Life

September 2018 In Anxiety, Personal Growth

Counselling: Picture Perfect?

June 2018 In Therapy & You

Choosing Counselling: What Does This Say About Me?

May 2018 In Therapy & You

I Took A Photo of Two Chocolate Chips (Yes I Did) – Some Thoughts on Mindful Eating

February 2018 In Eating Issues



Grief and Loss

Other Body/Eating Issues

Therapeutic Approach

Therapy & You

Clinical Supervision

Confessions of a Recovering Sorry-aholic

June 2017 In Personal Growth

The Seduction of Avoidance

April 2017 In Personal Growth

Searching For Gratitude

December 2016 In Personal Growth

Who Goes For Counselling?

July 2016 In Therapy & You

Open, Closed or Somewhere In-Between? Self-Disclosure in Counselling

May 2016 In Therapy & You

Asking For Help: Risk and Reward

Digging Deeper: Understanding Therapeutic Fit

January 2016 In Therapy & You

When Crisis Hits

May 2015 In Personal Growth

Counselling Ruptures: Crisis or Opportunity?

April 2015 In Therapy & You

Self Pity: Pillow or Prison?

February 2015 In Personal Growth

Feeling Bad About Feeling Bad

January 2015 In Personal Growth

It Took Selling My Home in Order to Clean It Up

Therapeutic Fit: What to Look For

October 2014 In Therapy & You

When Your Loved One Won’t Get Help

June 2014 In Therapy & You

Counsellors Are People Too

April 2014 In The Counselling Life

Perfection Pursuit: When Parenting Becomes Self-Tyranny

November 2013 In Parenting, Personal Growth

When Worry Takes Hold – Part 2

October 2013 In Personal Growth

Counselling Is Not For Everyone

August 2013 In Therapy & You

The Psychology of Missed Appointments

July 2013 In The Counselling Life

Truth Talking: The Role of Honesty in Counselling

June 2013 In Therapy & You

Therapist Burnout (And Why it Matters to Clients)

June 2012 In The Counselling Life

Counselling vs. Psychotherapy: What’s The Diff?

February 2012 In The Counselling Life

Perfectionism and the Holiday Season

December 2011 In Personal Growth

It Took Selling My Home In Order to Clean it Up

September 2011 In Personal Growth

Depression: Help and Treatment

May 2011 In Depression

Panic Attack Tips

May 2011 In Anxiety

Help for Substance Misuse: Why Willow Tree Counselling?

April 2011 In Addictions

Tips for Getting the Most Out of Your Health Care Experience

August 2010 In Therapy & You