Showing 87 results


Generalized Anxiety Disorder

Postpartum Anxiety

Social Anxiety

Coping with Anxiety: One Size Does Not Fit All!

October 2016 In Anxiety

The Benefits of Anxiety

January 2011 In Anxiety

You Can’t Cheat The System

Taking a Break in a Counselling Session

May 2024 In Therapy & You

Group Support: Is It For You?

Why Change is Hard

The Higgledy-Piggledy Therapy Schedule

October 2023 In Therapy & You

Zoom Fatigue in the Counselling Context

Go Slow


Is In-Person Counselling Dead?

Multitasking In Counselling Sessions

Rare, But Aware: Client Exploitation in the Counselling Relationship

Stuck in a Rut? Understanding Stuck-ness And Strategies For Change

Do Counsellors Have It All Together?

Let The Tears Flow? The Ins and Outs of Crying In Therapy

Ho, Ho, No! When the Holiday Season Doesn’t Work For You

The Therapy Threat: Counselling Ultimatums and Why They Suck

Why Is My Therapist Taking Time Off Again?!

Catching a Counselling Appointment

May 2021 In Anxiety, Therapy & You

How To Book A Counselling Appointment

February 2021 In Anxiety, Therapy & You

Decisions, Decisions: When You Don’t Know What To Talk About In Counselling

January 2021 In Anxiety, Therapy & You

Mind Your Mind

December 2020 In Life Transitions, Personal Growth

Sourdough or Sour-no? Coping and Critiquing During The Pandemic

November 2020 In Personal Growth

Boo! I Got Spooked By My Counsellor!

October 2020 In Anxiety, Therapy & You

Walking To Nowhere

The Merit of Discomfort

My Screen Time Is Up By 246%

Living In A Box

The Smallest “Goals” In My World

Why Waiting Lists?

November 2019 In Anxiety, Depression, Therapy & You

“I’m Too Upset To Go To Counselling!”

“My Counsellor Fired Me!”

“Who Me?” How To Beat Imposter Syndrome

April 2019 In Anxiety, Personal Growth

“What Kind of Counsellor Do I Need?”

Reflections On Twenty Years in Social Work

Perfectionism: From Fairy Tale to Real Life

September 2018 In Anxiety, Personal Growth

How to Save Bags of Money On Counselling (Or, How To Stop Making Your Counselling More Expensive Than It Needs To Be)

August 2018 In Therapy & You, Uncategorized

Choosing Counselling: What Does This Say About Me?

May 2018 In Therapy & You

The Big Drain: What To Do When Counselling Leaves Us Feeling Wiped Out

March 2018 In Therapy & You

Taking Care of My Future Self

January 2018 In Personal Growth

Nothing Will Interfere With My….Happiness

December 2017 In Personal Growth

Taking Stock: When to Try Counselling?

November 2017 In Therapy & You


Binge Eating

Emotional Eating

LGBTQ+ Support

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

Other Body/Eating Issues


Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

Postpartum Depression


Therapeutic Approach

Willow Tree Counselling

Clinical Supervision

Phone and Video Counselling

Confessions of a Recovering Sorry-aholic

June 2017 In Personal Growth

What’s Up Doc? Psychologists and Psychiatrists Are Not The Same!

May 2017 In The Counselling Life

The Seduction of Avoidance

April 2017 In Personal Growth

Seeking Challenge in Counselling: How Much is Right For You?

August 2016 In Therapy & You

Asking For Help: Risk and Reward

Counselling Confidentiality: An In-Depth Look

Emotional Eating: Let’s Talk Strategy

November 2015 In Eating Issues

Dr. Google: Friend or Foe?

October 2015 In Anxiety

Phone Counselling: Emotional Barrier Buster?

June 2015 In Therapy & You

Feeling Bad About Feeling Bad

January 2015 In Personal Growth

Mindfulness: A Boring Pursuit?

August 2014 In Personal Growth

When Your Loved One Won’t Get Help

June 2014 In Therapy & You

Counsellors Are People Too

April 2014 In The Counselling Life

Overcoming The “Disease to Please”

December 2013 In Personal Growth

When Worry Takes Hold – Part 1

September 2013 In Personal Growth

Please Tell Me What to Do!! The Role of Advice in Counselling

April 2013 In Therapy & You

Coping With Loneliness and the Holiday Season

December 2012 In Personal Growth

Change!? Why Change?

Assumptions for Therapy: Can You Relate?

April 2012 In Therapy & You

Perfectionism and the Holiday Season

December 2011 In Personal Growth

Parenting With Consistency

November 2011 In Parenting

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)

May 2011 In Anxiety, Depression

Depression Tips

May 2011 In Depression

Panic Attack Tips

May 2011 In Anxiety

Postpartum Tips

April 2011 In Postpartum Issues

Tips for Getting the Most Out of Your Health Care Experience

August 2010 In Therapy & You